• Traditional Roots Herbal Conference - All Presentations

    Original Date: May 15-16, 2021

    This discounted package includes all of the individual presentations from the conference, which are listed below.

    10.5 CEUs (including 7.5 general and 3.0 cultural competency) approved by OBNM

  • Topical Applications for Pain

    Presenter: Jillian Stansbury, ND
    Original Date: May 15, 2021

    This session will explore some common types of pain and review specific herbal recommendations for folklore for those herbs most indicated for spastic, inflammatory, congestive, nociceptive and other types of pain. The course will examine niche indications of dozens of readily available herbs and merge traditional specific indications with any modern molecular mechanism-of-action research that exists. A large portion of the time will be spent on sharing sample formulas that can be used topically to help address a variety of common conditions presenting with pain and discomfort.

    1.5 general CEUs approved by OBNM

  • Plant Spirit Medicine of the Andes and Amazon

    Presenter: Jillian Stansbury, ND
    Original Date: May 15, 2021

    Dr Stansbury has now spent some 15 years studying the ethnobotany of the Andes and Amazon. This session will present some of the philosophical approaches to treating the mind, body, and spirit that are commonly embraced by the Matsigenka, Wachiperi, Bora and other peoples' with whom Dr Stansbury has spent the last decade. We will explore the concepts of energetic diseases commonly discussed through the tribal and urban peoples alike, and discuss plantas maestras and plant spirit medicine as taught to Dr Stansbury throughout her time and studies in Peru.

    1.5 general CEUs approved by OBNM

  • Mental Health Resets for the Pre-Post-Covid Era

    Presenter: Orna Izakson, ND
    Original Date: May 15, 2021

    In this presentation, Dr. Izakson will present a variety of mental health support techniques designed to address patient anxiety or depression that may be related to “crisis fatigue” from the stress of the ongoing pandemic. Suggested support techniques for patients include aromatherapy, flower essences, and other herbal remedies.

    1.5 general CEUs approved by OBNM

  • Liberatory Plant Medicine: Praxis with Tradition and Herbalism

    Presenter: Lara Pacheco
    Original Date: May 16, 2021

    What is the role of holistic practitioners in health, healing and access? Who are people serving and not serving? Our collective health as a people will continue to struggle as long as a some are oppressed and our earth and creatures are neglected. This class will look into various laboratory philosophies as a base and historical context. We will apply these into working with a spectrum of divers communities as facilitators of health and healing on peoples own terms and with the empowerment of honoring some of their own possible traditional healing modalities focused on a few plants.

    1.5 cultural competency CEUs approved by OBNM

  • Herbal Pharmacy: Cordials and Elixirs, Classic Tinctures that Taste Good

    Presenter: Glen Nagel, ND
    Original Date: May 16, 2021

    In this presentation, Dr. Glen Nagel will share recipes for creating herbal cordials and tinctures for treating a variety of different conditions

    1.5 general CEUs approved by OBNM

  • Trophorestoratives as an Integral Part of Clinical Herbalism

    Presenter: Anna Peterson, ND
    Original Date: May 16, 2021

    In this presentation, Dr. Anna Peterson will describe how herbs can be used to protect, strengthen, tonify, or regenerate different tissues in the body. Trophorestoratives are defined according to the root words, “tropho” – pertaining to nourishment, “restorative” – returning to a state of health.

    1.5 general CEUs approved by OBNM

  • Well of Indigenous Wisdom: Training Community Herbalists to Provide Patient Care

    Presenter: Olatokunboh Obasi, MSc, RH, CNS
    Original Date: May 16, 2021

    In this presentation, Olatokunboh will describe the teaching curriculum at the School of Indigenous Wisdom herbal studies program in Puerto Rico and how she trains community herbalists to provide culturally competent and patient-centered care. She will also describe the role of social justice movements in modern clinical herbalism and provide practitioners with a framework for evaluating their own cultural biases and identifying racial disparities in health outcomes.

    1.5 cultural competency CEUs approved by OBNM

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